Irina Denischenko, Assistant Professor

Irina Denischenko is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and the Women’s and Gender Studies Program at Georgetown University. Her work focuses on 20th-century literature, visual art, critical theory, and women’s history in Central and Eastern Europe, especially Russia, Czechia, and Hungary. Irina has published articles on Czech avant-garde photopoetry and Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of cognition, as well as a number of book reviews and translations. She is currently completing her book manuscript on Vladimir Mayakovsky and the politics of aesthetic form, which examines the lyric’s capacity for democratic representation alongside theories of the novel and feminist-posthumanist thought. Irina is also currently coediting a collection of articles on Dada in Central and Eastern Europe and a volume of new Bakhtin translations. She holds a Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Comparative Literature from Columbia University.

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