About Us

The Women’s and Gender Studies Program provides an interdisciplinary, critical, feminist, and cross-cultural understanding of women, gender, and power in a global context. Focusing on the interactions and intersections of race, class, (dis)ability, gender, and sexuality, Women’s and Gender Studies fosters generations of knowledge about gender and sexuality in all its diversity and encourages the critical interrogation of traditional academic disciplines.

Program Overview

Using cross-cultural and multi-racial perspectives, the program includes the exploration of:

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Erin Kilbride Joins WGST as Visiting Researcher

For AY24, Erin Kilbride (C’12) joins the Georgetown University, Women’s and Gender Studies Program as a Visiting Researcher!

September 25, 2023

Melanie and Sheila Cruz-Morales (C'23)


The Cruz-Morales Twins Are Excited to Set the World on Fire

Melanie and Sheila Cruz-Morales (C’23) are ready to change the world. Sheila decided to minor in women’s and gender studies because of Donna Brazile, a veteran political strategist and analyst who has taught a course on women in American politics for more than two decades in the College of Arts & Sciences.

May 15, 2023

Donna Brazile


Politico Donna Brazile Celebrates 20+ Years on the Hilltop

“As a teacher, my responsibility is to share information as well as to listen to my students. Students are my lighthouse in a big ocean,” says Brazile, an adjunct professor in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. “Throughout my 20-plus years, I have come to Georgetown’s campus expecting to bring something to the table by sharing what I know with my students and asking them to do the same.”

January 5, 2023

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